10A Suspender Trousers Company is a brand created by italian Daria Dazzan and Matteo Cibic (fashion and product designer). I saw them at last Pitti Immagine Uomo, in June, and I’m glad they are coming back for this new edition of Pitti, so I’ll have the chance to see their creations again, closer and with more attention than last time. 10A products are tailored garment handmade in Italy, Dazzan and Cibic work alongside tailor laboratories and use fabrics only from italian selected manufacturers. The inspirations come from the old english tailor solutions, but the final results are for a contemporary… Leggi tutto »
Sono in pausa Pitti,
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(e se riesco, vi posto un po’ di cose, prima di ripartire per i fashion shows milanesi!)