- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
- FallWinter 1617 Mans Collection fashion week in Paris
“Troviamo di tutto nella nostra memoria: è una specie di farmacia, di laboratorio chimico, dove si mettono le mani a caso, ora su una droga calmante, ora su un veleno pericoloso”così favellava Marcel Proust nell’incamminarsi verso quel suo viaggio interiore intitolato “Alla ricerca del tempo perduto”, parole autorevoli che narrano percorsi inaspettati nei ricordi.
Stringa di letteratura agé che oggi riecheggia spontanea al momento dell’incontro con la collezione a/i 2016 di Julian Zigerli: che di quel celebre viaggio letterario sembra aver accolto la lezione, ma rigorosamente alla maniera di libertà disinvolta e divertita che è del tutto straordinariamente sua.
Il tempo che il giovane e ben noto fashion designer svizzero, che per quegli sparuti che ancora non lo conoscessero presenzia felicemente anche nella lista degli happy few che hanno ricevuto la pregiata ospitalità a sfilare nel Teatro Armani, va riscoprendo all’interno della collezione per la prossima fredda stagione è quello della propria infanzia.
Uno spiraglio intimo nei souvenir privati di abiti e immagini pop degli anni ’80 e ’90, una dimensione che si allarga ai memoirs di famiglia, che poi si amplia nella cerchia degli affetti, e che ancora si espande in un racconto aperto a tutti… insomma, che infine diventa come titolo insegna: “Larger than life”!
Una collezione che durante la Paris Men’s Fashion Week è andata in scena come una presentazione in veste di vera performance in collaborazione con il collettivo (LA)HORDE, all’interno dello spazio chiamato “The Family”, ça va sans dire: abiti che portano impressa la nostalgia nei jeans stracciati ad arte, negli orli allacciati alla caviglia e nelle borse a forma di cucciolo, nei motivi a cuore e nei completi in morbida maglia, ma che annullano la melanconia nella forza avvolgente dei colori brillanti, delle stampe eye-catching e nelle forme che regalano libertà grande al movimento.
Ed anche al pensiero creativo, of course!
Julian Zigerli f/w 2016: an intimate tale in an out of the box style
“We find a little of everything in our memory: it is a kind of pharmacy or chemical laboratory, in which chance guides our hand now to a calming drug and now to a dangerous poison”: thus used to state Marcel Proust while walking towards his interior journey called “In Search of Lost Time”, influential words telling about unexpected paths inside memories. An agé literature string that today is recalled spontaneously when we meet Julian Zigerli’s f/w 2016 collection: that seems to have embraced the lesson from that renowned journey, but strictly in his own amazing way mainly characterized by a mellow and playful freedom.
The time that the young and well-known Swiss fashion designer, that for the thin group of those that don’t know him yet is proudly among the happy few hosted by the Armani Theatre, is rediscovering within the collection for next cold season belongs to his childhood. An intimate insight within the private souvenir of clothes and pop images of ‘80s and ‘90s, a dimension becoming wider within the family memoir, and then enlarges inside the circle of affections, and also expands into an open tale addressed to everybody… well, that finally becomes like the title says: “Larger Than Life”!
A collection that during Paris Men’s Fashion Week was shown as a presentation in the guise of a real performance in collaboration with the dramatic group (LA)HORDE inside the “The Family” venue, ça va sans dire: clothes bearing the nostalgia on the artfully ripped jeans, on the edges fastened to the ankles and the bags shaped as a puppy, on the heart-shaped motifs and the soft knitted co-ordinates, but that vanishes the melancholia by the wrapping strength of the bold colors, the eye-catching prints and within the shapes that offer great freedom to motion.
And even to the creative thought, of course!