Tom Berklund torna su lepilloledistefano (intervistato da me, con foto di Richard Gerst e abiti di Zang Toi!)

Can you tell me when did you decide that life in front of a camera could be your work?
Well, I decided to pursue a career in the arts when I was 17.  I trained as a dancer first, then began studying singing and acting as well.  I then attended the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to study theatre. These skills have led me to a diverse career on stage and in front of the camera.

You are a model and an actor. Which are the main differences between the two works? I find the fields of acting and modeling to be vastly different. I think the ability to be free and shed inhibitions is important in both fields. As an actor, I am constantly striving to aspire to greater and more powerful work. I do this through continual training and surrounding myself with those who are more experienced and skilled than me. By doing this I force myself to rise to a new level of excellence. These are proactive steps I can take to further my craft. I have found the modeling industry to be a bit more elusive. So much of a person’ success is dependent upon ones look and essence. People tend to either respond to you or they don’t and there is little in your control.

What attracted you at the beginning to this world? And what attracted you to the world of being an actor?
I was attracted to the world of acting at a very young age. I was involved with local theatre as a boy growing up in Wisconsin. It was an exciting and rewarding way to express myself. This appealed to me because I was somewhat shy and probably wouldn’t have done so otherwise. I was not familiar with the modeling industry at a young age. I fell into this as I grew up and realized I had the look to work in some capacity. I also found my training as an actor to compliment my work as a model.  I treat shoots as if I were performing a character or different versions of myself. This gives me permission to be free and outrageous when working.

Which aspects of the model world do you like and which do you dislikes?
As a model I enjoy collaborating with talented people in the field, like Richard, to come up with innovative and beautiful work.  I do not enjoy the rat race of attending castings and waiting for hours with hundreds of other people. This is just not fun.

Recently you have posed for Richard Gerst for our series ‘Casting Privati’. How was working with him?
I love working with Richard.  He is truly a visionary. We have a great time working together, but we also remain very focused and always comes up with fantastic images. In the collaboration I try to be free and immerse myself in the world he creates for the shot; he makes this easy for me as he is very open and encouraging when shooting.

How do you feel posing also naked? Is it something that embarrass you?
This is a sensitive area of the industry for many people. I am not embarrassed posing nude when working with Richard because we have developed a very strong mutual trust.  The decision to pose nude for a photographer is not something I take lightly. My decision to pose nude for Richard was one I made because of the great respect I have for his work and his professionalism.

What are you working on at the moment? If I’m not wrong you are working for theatre, right?
I am currently working on a touring production of a play entitled “The Normal Heart” by Larry Kramer. This same production was on Broadway last year and won the Tony award for best revival of a play. It is a powerful piece of theatre detailing the struggles of gay men at the onset of the AIDS crisis in New York City. It’s educational, humorous and heartbreaking. I know that when I saw the Broadway production last year my eyes were opened to a history of which I was mostly unaware. I think everybody should see this play and it is a work that I’m proud to be a part of.

When you work as an actor, how do you create the person you are portraying. How much of what people see is yours and personal and how do you get prepared for a role? Where do you find inspirations?
This is an interesting question. Whenever I feel I am delivering my best work, it is deeply personal. Some characters are closer to my true nature than others, but I am always drawing on my spirit and my experience as a human being. Preparation tends to vary with each role that I play. For my current role in “The Normal Heart” I read and watched a lot with regards to the AIDS epidemic in the early 80’s. I found the book “And the Band Played On” and several documentaries about the time period to be very helpful.

If you look back at the last years, which was the most important moment for you?
I think the most important moment for me was making my Broadway debut in the revival of “A Chorus Line” in 2008. I was cast as the role of Greg and got to understudy the lead role of Zach. It was a huge opportunity for me and an experience I will always cherish. It’s a fantastic show and I couldn’t have been happier to be a part of the Broadway company. It also helped to launch my career to a new level of professionalism that has opened many doors and led me to where I am today.

Since my blog is basically a fashion blog, can you describe me your style?
Well, my personal style is pretty basic. I am mostly a T-shirt and jeans kind of guy but I have an appreciation for more sophisticated styles as well. I think if I had to really amplify my style I would defer to some of my friends who tend to be a bit more competent regarding fashion.

Plans for the future?
Another good question.  This business is so unpredictable that it is hard to have a definitive plan. As for the immediate future, I am traveling to the West Coast to perform in “The Normal Heart” at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco. After this, I plan on returning to New York City and pushing to expand my horizons in the field and continuing to do bigger and better things!

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  1. Emanuela Pirré Rispondi

    Tom è di una bellezza folgorante… Gli scatti sono splendidi ed intensi. Gli abiti di Zang Toi sono perfetti, molto interessanti e non posso che condividere le sue parole sul modello, sul fotografo e sulla resa del servizio. Complimenti a tutti e complimenti a Stefano per l’intervista.

  2. micheluzzo Rispondi

    nulla posso aggiungere…del resto, tutto condivido!
    i complimenti a tutti vanno…e l’ammirazione ancora e assai.

    Resta solo il goloso desiderio di vedere ancora tutti all’opera…con nuovi scatti, nuovi lavori…nuove esperienze!!!

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