Two of my icons together (i could cry now)


I have never seen this picture before. I’ve found it on the web and I stared at my monitor in shock for a couple of minutes. These are two of the people that have probably more influenced my aesthetics, the way I look at art and movies. I’ve grown up watching old Alfred Hitchcock films on tv, thanks to my parents’ love for foreign cinematography, being scared a lot, but also loving his use of the camera, his tricks, the way he used to put himself in every movie he made, his stories and all his leading ladies, so beautiful and so well dressed. I’ve discovered Andy later, in my teen age years, due to my love for Duran Duran. After reading that Nick, Simon and John were at a dinner party with Andy Warhol I simply had to find out who this Andy was and from that moment a love was born. I’m totally fascinated by his life and his relationship with people around him, the Factory kids, his ‘superstars’, people like Joe D’Alessandro or Edie. I didn’ t read his diaries, I ‘drank’ every single word in them.

Andy didn’t smile very often, at least not in so many pictures. So this imagine of him and Alfred, not only bring two people I admire so much together, but also creates in my mind many scripts! What they were talking about? What Andy said to Alfred to make him smile? Or was Alfred the one who said a joke, or maybe one of that ‘Hollywood memories’ that Andy loved so much???

I simply love this picture!


The pic was found at

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