Alexander Ludwig (uno dei protagonisti del film "The Hunger Games") intervistato in esclusiva per lepilloledistefano


Quando il mio amico Alek, con il quale avevo già lavorato in passato e ora da Los Angeles si occupa del bellissimo giornale online Bello Mag, che potete vedere anche e soprattutto come applicazione per iPhone e iPad, mi ha raccontato dei suoi lavori in California non sono riuscito a non invidiarlo, quando poi mi ha chiesto se avessi voluto intervistare uno degli attori che si è meritato la copertina di Bello Mag immaginate la mia contentezza. Un sogno che diventa piccola realtà. La scelta è caduta su uno dei protagonisti di “The Hunger games”, film in uscita anche da noi, Alexander Ludwig, fotografato da Aleksandar Tomovic in un’atmosfera che rimanda al mondo di un dandy inglese. Il giovane attore ci parla del suo lavoro, del suo ruolo in questa pellicola e anche del suo legame con lo stile.

Quindi sono contento di presentarvi quello che probabilmente negli anni a venire sarà uno dei nuovi volti di Hollywood e, in attesa di vedere sul grande schermo “The Hunger Games”, potete leggere cosa mi ha raccontato.

When my friend Alek, with whom I had already worked in the past and now from Los Angeles is the creator, with Steph of the amazing Bello Mag, an online magazine that it’s also, and above all, an application for iPhone and iPad, told me of his work in California I couldn’t not envy him, when he asked me if I wanted to interview one of the actors who graced the cover of his magazine you could imagine my happiness. A dream that becomes a little reality.
The choice for this first interview fell on one of the stars of “The Hunger games”, a movie that in a while will be also in our cinemas, Alexander Ludwig, photographed by Aleksandar Tomovic in an atmosphere that is reminiscent of an English dandy’s world. The young actor tells us about his work, his role in this film and also his relationship with style.

So I’m pleased to introduce you to who in the years ahead will probably be one of the new big names of Hollywood, and while waiting to see him on the big screen in “The Hunger Games “,  you can read he what he told me. Enjoy.   

Photography Aleksandar Tomovic ( for BELLO mag

Can you tell me when did you begin as an actor? Which was your debut? And how did all this happen?
I started as an actor when I was  9.  My mom was an actress so I just kept harassing  her to take me to see her agent and finally she relented.  I landed my first acting job when I went for my first audition, it was an  Harry Potter commercial.

Who are your role models as an actor? Which are the people you admire?
I admire any actor who works hard on his craft. Leonardo Di Caprio is hugely inspirational, as is Johnny Depp.  They have both stayed true to who they are as actors and also true to who they are as people.

Which has been your best experience so far as an actor?
That’s a difficult question and impossible to answer. I take something special from each experience.
Since my blog is about style, which v.i.p do you think has a cool style?
Ryan Gosling has great style and combines a cool vibe with elegance. So does Brad Pitt. I admire both these guys.
What’s your personal definition of elegance?  Which is your everyday style?
I like clothes that are well made and have an edge.
And you most treasured item in your wardrobe?
As far as a most treasured item…it has to be my leather jacket.

Photography Aleksandar Tomovic (
for BELLO mag

Tell me something about your role in ‘The Hunger games’? Have you read the books before shooting? What did you like about your role?
Cato is a bit misunderstood.  Although he is a hard core killer in the arena, you do get to see more of a human side to him in his final moments. He is athletic, skilled and a fierce contender.
I read all the books before shooting.  I was hooked immediately.

What have you learned on this set? And what do you think will be interesting for the public?
I learned hand to hand combat and  sword fighting which were both taught to me by a Navy Seal. That was pretty cool. I am a really active guy so I loved the training.

Dreams for the future?
I hope to be acting for a long time to come.

Nella seconda pagina del post (cliccando sul titolo, quando il post è da solo, appare la seconda pagina), c’è la versione in italiano dell’intervista.

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  1. Donatella Rispondi

    Non è da tutti leggere il libro da cui è stato tratto il film in cui si reciterà.
    Per il resto, bella intervista e complimenti ^^!!!

  2. The Hunger Games Rispondi

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  3. The Hunger Games Rispondi

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