Il fashion world catturato da Andrea Serafini, in esclusiva per lepilloledistefano, alle ultime sfilate maschili milanesi.


Angelo Flaccavento, fashion writer (Il Sole 24 ore and others) and style icon

Paolo Stella, actor and supersweet guy

Real Nob, fashion bloggers and friends

Giovanni Dario Laudicina, fashion editor

Eleonora Carisi, blogger, shop owner and ‘it-girl’, and Luca Finotti, video maker and photographer, behind them Erika Boldrin, blogger and ‘it-girl’ (just met her and she’s supercute!)

Milan Vukmirovic, editor in chief Fashion For Men

Gregory Bokov, blogger anbd friend

Olivier Langhendries, supercool pr

Federico Rocca, fashion editor and friend

Marco Manni, supercool international stylist and friend

per saperne di più su Andrea Serafini / to know more about Andrea Serafini’s work

  1. aSeraPh Rispondi

    Grazie a Stefano che, ancora una volta, mi permette di condividere con voi i miei scatti :)