La collezione del giovane designer italo-brasiliano Jonathan Scarpari (intervistato da me) fotografata in esclusiva per lepillole da Ricardo Hegenbart

First of all could you tell me when did it all begin? Was fashion something you always wanted to do? Have you studied fashion at school? Which is the path that led you to a collection with your name?
I was a chemistry student, missing only two semesters to graduate. After a lot of reading and experiencing the Fashion world, which is my true love, I decided to let all the science and volumetric baloons behind. Well, my involvement with Fashion started in 2007. I started with a course in SENAC, and then many other courses and projects appeared. On that course time, a “look” that I had created and developed had been chosen to figure a publicity campaign of SENAC, advertising the first Fashion technical course of RS. Well, I fell in love. Nevertheless I started a graduate course on UNIRITTER University. As the time was going by, some works started to appear and the relation with fashion was getting closer. I worked with Helen Rödel (amazing person for whom I could only be thankful) and after that I started finding my own identity. I always loved Male Fashion and I’ve found a way of expressing my love through my creations. Everything started expanding. Now I have my clothes exposed in São Paulo (VOGA store and gallery) and in Porto Alegre (Gabinete de Curiosidade store). One of the last gains was winning the Best Fashion Video, recently presented on Donna Fashion Iguatemi. This video will be shown in Casa de Criadores, São Paulo, on May.

Can you define your style?
My style… hard to answer. I’m prudent. I like to mix clothes that have a huge impact with conservative ones. I love doing that on my creations. I believe this is continuously happening in my fashion design.

Which is the target for your clothes?
My target consumers are the ones that like and understand about fashion. I like people who let themselves be astonished by a beautiful cloth and we can feel this by the look… people that look for emotion at dressing themselves.

Where does inspirations come from?
My creative process is being developed during the collection. It starts on the theme’s idea and then I go, maturing it, testing, researching until materialize it. It extends much more than that, even before the presentation on runways, how intense it is. My great influences are my family laces. I come from an italian family, I was raised in a farm, listening my grandma singing italian songs. Both of my grandparents are agricultors in SC and this was continued by my father. I was raised in a world of rice, cows, grapefruits… in a very deep contact with earth. This has a very intense influence in all my process. It’s important to my life and to the kind of fashion that I am developing.

You are young, do you think that the fashion system helps young designers?
It’s pretty hard. Young designers have to work a lot to deserve some space. There isn’t a support, we have to work hard for it, with our own sweat, to make possible to show our work.

Are there particular figures who you think you should thank for helping you till now?
Sure, I have in my heart people that have always helped me and until today these people are believing in my talent. My mother and sister, for example. In my path I’ve been finding amazing friends, Helen Rödel is one of these, a person that gave me a hand in a critical time of my life and knew how to value my work and our friendship.

Most important moment in your career so far?
I have many important moments in my life. Everytime I think about this, I always remember when I watched the collection video for the first time. I stayed a long time on the kitchen’s table thinking about everything that life offers to us. Once a friend of mine told me that God only gives the cross to those who could care it. I have never imagined that I would do all those things that I did and have given birth to that piece. Dreams, these are the reasons that make the new stylists to move on.

Which other designers do you like?
I don’t look for interferences, but certainly I have some designers that I admire, like  Mugler, Lanvin, Raf Simons, Ermenegildo Zegna…

Your definition of elegance?
Elegance is curiosity for the things that you don’t know, the capacity of offer compassion and sweetness. Elegant is who has the capacity of being gentle, attitudes speaks so much more than words. Elegance is doing something for someone with pleasure, even if you had almost gone crazy to make it possible.

Which item cannot be missing in a man’s wardrobe and which one you don’t really like?
A nice shirt. An well-cut one. There isn’t a cloth that I don’t like, i believe everything is possible to be used.

Tell me something about the creative moment in your country?
Well. Brasil is a country with a amazing cultural background. We have influences of many european and african countries, everything is mixed. We are in an expanding moment, and a lot of eyes are lying under us. We have creativity, and we explore it and take risks.

Dreams and project for the future?
I believe that the future is the result of today, like a mature fruit of what we are seeding now. I have this in my heart and mind.

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  1. Paulo Henrique de Moura Rispondi

    Uma coleção incrível e maravilhosa! Muitas noites e dias de dedicação para alcançar este resultado!

  2. Gianni Rispondi

    ho trovato l’articolo molto interessante sotto molti punti di vista… in primis mi hanno colpito le risposte dell’intervistato che mi hanno fatto riflettere molto sul significato della moda, su chi la fa e su quello che si sta cercando di comunicare attraverso questa. complimenti! 😀

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